The Greatest Crime

Why the Murder of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman belongs with the Greatest Crimes in History--Including the Holocaust.

Joseph Kony May be a Bad Person, But so Are You.

How Emotional reactions can leave on on an Island of Irrationality.

Kandahar Rampage

U.S. soldier murders many in Afghanistan...Supposedly for No Reason.

How Dare you Forget about Baron Davis

The New York Knicks will go as far as Baron Davis, not Jeremy Lin

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Problem with Islam Today

The lovely Erykah Badu
What's wrong with Islam these days?

Erykah Badu’s most recent concert has been canceled in Malaysia over a tattoo she has on her body. Officials in Malaysia [a muslim-majority country] claim that tattoos are forbidden in Islam. Of course, news outlets also claim this theology. 

BBC reported: “Tattoos are forbidden in Islam...”

Yet, searching for any mention of tattoos as a sin in the Quran leads to nowhere.The idea comes from the Hadith which is a supplement book to the Quran and represents some behaviors of the Prophet Muhammed [Peace be upon him]. Before I go on, let me mention the the Quran does not mention that Muslims should mimic Prophet Muhammed’s behavior or foresaw another holy book as the Hadith. If you don’t believe me; ask yourself how many wives did the Prophet have and how many wives are allowed in Islam? [More than one wife could be conditional, but is debatable] 

According to that same Hadith, plucking of the eyebrows is also a sin.

Please! Only an asinine person would take that serious. However, I know for a small proportion of Muslims, the only differences between today and 599 A.D. are guns and oil [maybe the hijab]. 

And this is the problem in Islam. We never had a council of Nicaea. There is no Pope of Islam. There are not dozens of different sects that break up the religion by slightly different beliefs or political factions. Thus, when a group of benighted Muslims decide that tattoos are forbidden, they expect the rest of the Islamic world to follow and most do. The only mention of tattoos comes from a guy who said another guy said that the Prophet forbade it. Let’s come to our senses; if tattoos were an essential part of the culture to the Arabs that doctrine the Hadith as the Burqa, they would not have forbade it---I’m sure a Saudi dignitary would actually have a Fatwa in a similar manner as the Burqa stating: The correct view of Islam is that Tattoos must be present on a person’s body. 

The correct view? No, that’s your view. 

One must ignore other views to know what Islam truly is. Read and study the Quran. Most importantly, understand the history and the context. Philosophize an alternative and refuse any dogmatic views. You can’t view the whole picture by looking at one corner. Reciting the Surahs of the Quran and following the words of your elders will not make you a believer [In Islam, no one is allowed to claim that they represent God’s word].  
I know that there are people that will say that I am an ignorant human being that constantly explores and invents things that I am aware of. But how is that any different than Sharia law, fatwas, and even the Hadith? How is that different from you? 

A PhD in Islam is not excuse.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Kobe: The Greatest Being Ever

Number 24 of the Los Angeles Lakers:
Kobe "Black Mamba" Bryant
Kobe, Kobe, Kobe...

Let’s be honest; Kobe Bryant is the greatest basketball player ever. Having said that, I expect the floodgates to open and the roars of men and women carrying pitchforks and torches come my way. But, settle down. Before we address MJ, let’s discuss the other culprits. For those who say Lebron “King” James, you deserve to get your face slapped off. For those who say Kevin Durant, I have never seen a toothpick win a championship. Now Michael Jordan [by default] is the greatest which leaves him entirely off of any modern compiled list of greatest basketball players. That would be like considering West Virginia University as the greatest partying school in the country--it’s not fair and eventually you have to be retired. The historians can go ahead and pick Michael Jordan but since I consider relevance I’m picking Kobe. 

Kobe is not normal and he is not good either. It would be unwarranted, unconstitutional, unholy, immoral, and completely erroneous to call him anything short of greatness. Deep down, past your veil of ignorance, you know Kobe is the greatest. If the man wanted to overthrow the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia just so he can make a country-wide pool of oil: we should not question him, we should allow it, and we should aid him. He scored 81 points in a modern era game, he wins no matter season or playoffs, he invariably is awarded every season, he consistently scores 25+ points a game, he’s won championships [he’s won with Shaq and without him, he won when he was young and old, he won in this Mayan age and the last--it doesn’t matter]. His greatness is beyond comprehension.

In the past, you’ve called him adulterous, pretentious. Now, you call him selfish. Go ahead and make your excuses but stop ignoring that he is a superstar, a champion, and worldly on top of that [there are not many people more popular than Kobe around the world with the exception of Barak Obama, Osama Bin Laden, and Lady Gaga]. Case closed! 

Let him speak. Let him shoot. Let him play. And shut up.