Okay, that may be an exaggeration. But, it’s close enough.
Whatever forces that are working in our lives, are compelling us to join “sects” as a way to define ourselves. However, that is also limiting us mentally, emotionally, intellectually, and physically. We refuse anything/anyone that refutes our defining selves which leads to shunning. Let’s say someone at work or school wore a turtleneck everyday with white chinos. Most people would probably avoid that person because of their appearance alone.
I used to try to find a place in high school like most kids.
I gave that up when I got to college. [Inadvertently]
I don’t try to adopt an image. I don’t care to appease tendencies based off of factors, whether societal or cultural. I do what I like/want to do because I like/want to do it. In College, I followed the NBA religiously [I could give you the names of every player and where they play] and played Dungeons and Dragons [yes, the role-playing game] and Sopio [If you don’t know what Sopio is, I proved my point]
Want more? I’ll show you. These are a few of my interests:
My Yankee Candles |
My Jordans |
Some of my Books |
Some of my Video games |
A map of Skyrim on my wall |
A poster of cars on my wall |
My WVU football jersey (I went to Pitt) |
My Bath and Body Works hand soap |
If you reject what is expected of you, people may begin to think you are strange.
But, who cares?
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